WW Creator

WW Creator

98’s Peaceful Mob Drops

Have you ever been playing in Minecraft peaceful mode and wanted some mob drops for a recipe? Well, with 98’s Peaceful Mob Drops, you can obtain various hostile mob drops without cheating! It contains a complex crafting system with many…

Fabric and Flax 1.1.0 Coming Soon

Fabric and Flax 1.1.0 will be released soon. It will include a Grinder and Sewing Machine. You will be able to infuse iron dust(obtained from grinding iron) into cloth armor. Instructions on how to use them will be on the…

Mod Documentation Now Available

The Weapons and Whips team has made documentation for the Fabric and Flax mod. It has links to other documentation pages and also links to the Minecraft Wiki. Just click Mod Docs to check it out. Have fun!

Flax and Fabric is out!!!!!!!

The new mod Flax and Fabric has been released for Minecraft 1.20.1! It includes multiple weaving machines that make cloth. In the next version you will be able to craft armor/clothing that gives certain status effects. Hope you enjoy it.…

Weapons and Whips mod temporarily suspended

Unfortunately, the main Weapons and Whips mod is being suspended due to several issues. First, there are several things that are not working correctly internally. Second, Mojang releasing a new update for Minecraft that includes maces. The item names may…

Post mods by YOU!

Have a great Minecraft mod you made and want to share with us? Or maybe you tweaked an already existing mod? Either way, you can have your mod published by Weapons and Whips! Then everyone will know how awesome it…

Coin mod coming

We have decided to make a mod called ‘Coin Man’ that adds coins and currency related items to the game. We are trying to get the first version published as soon as possible. It will be available on the downloads…

Working on new mod

We have decided to make Weapons and Whips a collection of mods by the Weapons and Whips team. We are unclear on exactly what this new mod will be. However, we will keep the original Weapons and Whips mod. Thanks!

Modpacks coming

We are currently preparing to release a modpack called Omega by Blacksmith 9. It will include a number of mods including Weapons and Weapons. It will also include some inventory tweaks mods.

We need images

If you have an image of the Weapons and Whips mod in action, feel free to share it with us. If it is good it will be posted on the main site page. We will have a share button soon.